I was originally going to be giving away something when I was around my 10th article, but I figured why not start now? There will be more info on how to join the giveaway at the end of the review.

Today I will be reviewing an Off-White piece, and then hosting a giveaway to give this piece back to the community! I purchased this piece for ¥338, or roughly $50 plus shipping from Custard’s Off-White Store.


I received this item along with a few others on my most recent haul. As the weather is getting colder, I am psyched to have a unique flannel to throw on when layering. The first thing I noticed was the bleaching and distressing of the flannel looked incredible.


Height – 6’2″
Weight – 180 Pounds
Waist – 34″
Top Size – Large or Extra Large
Shoe Size – US 11

I ordered an extra-large in this flannel which fits like an over-sized large. If you are an extra-large and looking to grab this flannel, it may be a bit tight in the shoulders, but should otherwise fit fine.


Although this flannel is a bit on the thin side, it is really nice. The flannel has a nice, elongated fit, and sits nicely on your body.

Before I purchased the flannel from the Off-White Taobao Store, I read a few reviews of their products. Everyone seemed to be happy with the items they received, so I pulled the trigger on this piece. I am 100% satisfied.

When ordering, I used SuperBuy as my agent, and it only took a few days to get to my warehouse. If you are looking to grab an item from Custard, I would definitely recommend it.


I would say this flannel is very close to retail. As far as looks go, I give a rating of .99:1. The graphic looks placed correctly, and the color of the flannel looks on point.



If you are interested in grabbing a nice flannel, I think this would be a great option. Although, I would hold off for just a little; enter the giveaway, and see if you can win it for free!

If you need a smaller size in the flannel, and are not interested in the giveaway, you can grab it here.


I want to make this giveaway easy for the community to enter, so there will be three things you must do to join. All you have to do is follow me on Twitter, comment and upvote the reddit thread, and subscribe to my blog via email. I will be hosting the giveaway for two weeks, then announce the winner in a blog post that week. Good luck!

Hope you guys enjoyed the read! I want to host more giveaways in the future, so make sure to shoot me ideas. I am open to giving away shoes, clothing, or whatever you guys want; it doesn’t even have to be a rep!

Make sure to follow my Twitter to keep updated. I will be posting the majority of my articles and reviews to /r/fashionreps and /r/repsneakers, so see you around!

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